If You Aren't Content with What You Have and Feel You've Been Given the Short End of the Stick, What Does that say to Jesus?

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 NKJV

If you aren't content with what you have and feel you've been given the short end of the stick, what does that say to Jesus?

We live in a Gimme, Gimme Society. Many feel it is their right to have the newest iPhone, even if they have a working phone. Many feel they should be able to go out and order steak whenever they want, when they have decent food in their refrigerator. Many feel they should be able to get the newest model of car on the market, when their car is running just fine, despite the couple of dings to the body. Some feel that they should have the trendiest clothes when they still have plenty of decent clothes sitting in their closets.

What does Jesus feel when we aren't content with what we have and want more? What's more than this, some are angry they don't have more. Just the anger alone shows we are ungrateful for all He's given us. It's worse than being unappreciative! It's like we aren't even acknowledging all we do have, because it doesn't meet our Gimme, Gimme Expectations.

Jesus said He will never leave us or forsake us, but are we telling Him with our lack of being grateful that we are leaving Him, because He didn't meet our Gimme, Gimme Expectations? Is that really the message you want to give your Lord and Savior? There's lots to be prayerful about.

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