If we share hateful information with the younger generation about minorities, how does Jesus feel about it?

If we share hateful information with the younger generation about minorities, how does Jesus feel about it?

Sure, we hear all kinds of things rationalizing why we shouldn't be open to others entering our country. We hear things like: 

1. They just say they want in America, because they have been threatened by gangs, but we really know they are just making it up to come here and take our jobs.

2. They just say they want in America, because they need medical care and can't get it in their country, but they just want to use up all our medical services and it might not be available for us when we need it. 

3. They just say they want in America, because they are trying to escape from the law and are going to rape and sell narcotics.

4. They just say they want in America, because they want to get free social services and will drain our society, so it's not available for Americans.

5. They just say they want in America, because they want to become a majority population in America and take over the country.

Unfortunately, people share views like this with the younger generation, who come to be distrusting and hateful, as well. 

1 John 3:7 says: Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He [Jesus], is righteous. [That also means righteousness in our actions toward others and what we say about others including minorities.]

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