How does Jesus feel about us making sure we pay a little less to Uncle Sam, so that we can keep a little more of what we earn?

How does Jesus feel about us making sure we pay a little less to Uncle Sam, so that we can keep a little more of what we earn?

I get it! It's difficult to let that hard-earned money slip through our fingers, especially when we don't always feel that our tax money is going to things that are beneficial.  I know, because I got caught up in this very thing one time, all along thinking I was a good Christian.

I started a side-line business years ago for the sole purpose of being able to utilize all the tax deductions that this afforded me. But when I read the following passage, I realize that my financial goals weren't aligned with what Jesus wants of me. After being prayerful about this, I quit the side-line business. That doesn't mean that having a side-line businesses is wrong. It was that my ultimate goal for doing the business was not aligned with what Jesus says below:

Mark 12: 16 And they brought it [a coin]. And He [Jesus] saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto Him [Jesus], Caesar’s. 17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that re God’s.

Do Biblical Inconsistencies Really Matter?

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