If people don't welcome minorities into their church, how does Jesus feel about that?

If people don't welcome minorities into their church, how does Jesus feel about that?

Well, Matthew 5:6 says: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. 

Who do we think Jesus wants to fill those people's thirst for a relationship with Him? Do you think Jesus is asking only the ministers to welcome minorities in the church as long, as we don't have to interact with them? Do you think Jesus is asking only the greeters to welcome minorities into the church, as long as we don't have to interact with them? 

It kind of makes me wonder. I've been in many different churches over the years and I've seen many minorities come in visit, but rarely do I see them return or continue to come back for long. Is it because they weren't made to feel welcome? 

What would Jesus have wanted us to do differently? Smiling is a good start, but it can't be a pasty smile that conveys, I can't believe you dare come into our church! Don't you realize you don't fit in here? I think they get the message clearly. That's probably why so few return to the church.

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