We're all human, but when we divert our gaze from others, we are showing disapproval of them or their choices. Is that really what Jesus would want us to do????
In the Bible it says in Hebrews 13: 1 Let
brotherly love continue. 2 Be not
forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels
After reading this, don't you think that at the very least, Jesus wouldn't want us turning our heads away from these people or giving a sneer of disapproval. If we were to injure our back and were prescribed pain killers and became dependent on them, wouldn't we want others to be understanding of what we might be going through? Wouldn't we want others to treat us like worthwhile human beings? Wouldn't we want people to smile at us as they cross our paths?
What's a smile cost? It's a very easy thing to share and says that we see that person we smiled at as someone worthwhile, a child of God. Think about sharing more smiles instead of diverting your gaze from those you formerly disapproved of.