Are we showing mercy to the homeless, when we take our Stimulus Checks and buy a new this or that or stock up on food, but forget to donate food to the food bank?

Matthew 5:7 says: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 

Are we showing mercy to the homeless, when we take our Stimulus Checks and buy a new this or that or stock up on food, but forget to donate food to the food bank?

So, I looked up the meaning of merciful and the top meanings are: compassionate, forgiving, sympathetic, and kind. 

When we forget about the needs of the homeless and those that are less fortunate during this time of COVID-19 and focus on ourselves, our wants and needs, are we being merciful? I think it's an important thing to evaluate, because it's so easy to get caught up in our lives and forget how much worse the lives of the homeless and the less fortunate must be. I think Jesus truly wants us to think beyond ourselves and although we may not have much, it doesn't hurt to donate a can or two or more to the food bank periodically!

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