If we have an Argumentative Nature or Just Like a Good Fight, Are we Being the Christian Example Jesus Wants Us to Be?

But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition. If God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth. 2 Timothy 2:23-25 KKJV

If we have an argumentative nature or just like a good fight, are we being the Christian example Jesus wants us to be?

I used to really enjoy a good argument, which makes me feel kind of guilty as I write this post. These posts are supposed to be thought-provoking, not just to viewers, but to me, as well. If they are of any use, we all have to be honest with ourselves!

When I would quarrel with others or have a dispute over something, I wasn't being an example of my faith by being gentle and patient. Although I thought I was, I probably wasn't helping the other person see the error of their ways.

If I'm trying to help others better understand how Jesus works in their lives, I need to patiently teach them while praying for Jesus to help them learn the truth. Additionally, it would be important for me to be prayerful in the future to ask Jesus to provide the right words for me to use that will speak the truth to their hearts.

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