If You Have a Neighbor Who Gets On Your Nerves, Does That Say It's O.K. to Disregard the Second Most Important Commandment Jesus Shared With Us?

Matthew 22: 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

So, if you have a neighbor who gets on your nerves, does that say it's O.K. to disregard the second most important commandment Jesus shared with us?

This is a tricky one to write about, because I absolutely love my neighbors! I've been truly blessed! At one time, I did have a neighbor that I avoided, because she complained all the time!!! It became overwhelming and I didn't want to be around her. Now, Jesus doesn't say that we have to stay in unhealthy relationships, but was there more that I could do???

First of all, I need to be more mindful of the other person. Someone who complains all the time is probably feeling pretty lonely, and she was! I'm afraid that my avoiding her, probably made this only worse! 

*Maybe, I could have structured our interactions in order to limit the negativity. I won't ever know, because I avoided her. 

*Maybe, I could have asked for us to interact through email, due to my busy schedule. That would have allowed her an outlet to share her problems and would have allowed me the opportunity to pick the timing to read them when it wouldn't stress me out. I won't ever know, because I avoided her.

*Maybe, I could have prayed for her and for Jesus to give her The Peace Which Passes All Understanding that only He can give. I won't ever know, because I avoided her...but I could pray for her now!  Although these posts are supposed to provide insight for readers, I find that Jesus calls me to be a better Christian through them, as well.

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