Do Your Actions Say You're Not Ready to Give Up That Temptation?

The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of the temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.: 2 Peter 2:9

O.K. Here's another thought-provoking passage! It reminds me of the times I'm overeating something I really want to eat. Sometimes, God will bring it to my attention, so that I don't continue to overeat which harms my health. Instead of my responding by stopping, there have been those times when I continued to eat the item, while pretending God hadn't given me the instinct to stop, but He had. Fortunately for me, God has never given up on me and I eventually listen.

This might apply to all of us in different ways. If smoking is harming your life, do you pretend God hasn't given you the instinct to stop, but He had? If drinking, taking drugs, using too much technology and the list can go on harming your health, do you pretend God hasn't given you the instinct to stop, but He had?

The thing is, Jesus Christ wants us all to be in relation with Him and doesn't give up on any of us and will deliver us from these temptations if we let Him. Do Your Actions Say You're Not Ready to Give Up That Temptation?

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