When There is so Much Evil and Hatred in the World These Days, if You Give into the Anger Like Everyone Else is, Are You Telling Jesus that You've Given Up Living with Christian Values?

When there is so much evil and hatred in the world these days, if you give into the anger like everyone else is, are you telling Jesus that you've given up living with Christian values?

Jesus says through the Bible in Romans 12:15: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Jesus doesn't want us to give up or give into the raging anger that has become the norm, these days! He wants us to be His role models to others who are struggling of how to do good, be kind and not hateful in a time wrought with so much hatred and violence. 

Jesus is counting on us. Are you up for it? If you start having second thoughts, pray and Jesus will strengthen you, if you let Him!

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