If We've Led an Unethical, Self-Focused Life, Do We Have Any Hope of Salvation?

Acts 15: 11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

If we've led an unethical, self-focused life, do we have any hope of Salvation?

There's the good news and the bad news, which really is good news. If we truly are sorry for the way we've been living and ask Jesus into our hearts. Jesus forgives us plain and simple. The Good News is Jesus will forgive us even if we were bank robbers, dabbled in drugs and alcohol, were abusive or were hateful to others, even to other Christians. 

The Bad News is: that once we are saved by Jesus Grace, He expects us to no longer live that sinful, worldly life style and turn to Him for strength if we find difficulty related to those or any other vices we may have. Although this may not seem easy, it truly is the Good News, because Jesus is right there by your side to get you through this to become the Christian He truly wants you to be. Just put your vices and your faith in Jesus' very capable hands. He will get you through this if you truly let Him!

Acts 15: 11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

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