When we share a juicy piece of gossip with someone, am I being an example of how Jesus works in my life?

And besides they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle but also gossips and busybodies, saying things which they out not. 1 Timothy 5:13

When we share a juicy piece of gossip with someone, am I being an example of how Jesus works in my life?

I can tell you, I've been guilty of this one more times than I would like to admit. After reading this verse so many times in the Bible, it's really weighed on my heart. Am I being an example of how Jesus works in my life? 

Of course not! The thing is, it's so tempting and seems relatively harmless, but is it? Things we share with others can be shared again and can actually negative affect how other people interact with the person being talked about. Sometimes, that person can become isolated from others when they need their support the most. Another effect is that every time we gossip, we are modeling this behavior as acceptable to others, not to mention our children who copy both our weaknesses and our strengths. Is this what we want for them to emulate?

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