When We Don't Take Time to be There for the Widows, Widower, Orphans and Those Who Are Sick, Are We Saying We Only Have Time to Do What Gives Us Pleasure?

Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

When we don't take time to be there for the widows, widowers, orphans and those who are sick, are we saying we only have time to do what gives us pleasure?

Are we saying, "Jesus, I have time to stream this show right now, but I can't really relate to widows, widowers, and orphans." Interestingly, we would want Jesus and others in the community there for us as a support if we were to become a widow, widower or lose our parents.

Are we telling Jesus we have time to watch a video that's gone viral, but just don't have the time to check in on those who are sick? Again, we would want Jesus there by our side and others in our community if we were to become seriously sick. Do we have a Double Standard?

Jesus wouldn't think highly of us putting His requests on the back burner in favor of doing what gives us more pleasure!

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