Hebrews 5: 8 Though He
were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And being made perfect, He became the author
of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him.
Do we think that because we love Jesus, our lives should be easy and without any suffering?
I've heard of so many people who have turned away from their faith in Jesus, because they didn't get the job, the house, the health, wellness, or the money they wanted or prayed for. It doesn't say in the Bible that because we love Jesus we will never suffer, never have loss, never be ill, or never have disappointment.
Jesus went through poverty, loss, and suffered much more than I could ever imagine, but never gave up on any of us. I'll be honest with you, after being betrayed by a supposed friend, being beaten, mocked, and spit upon, I might have had second thoughts about giving my life for others, but Jesus never gave up on us.
Hopefully, we realize that Jesus never gave up on us then, He is there with us even when we don't get the job we want. He is there with us even we don't get the house or apartment we want. He is there with us when our health fails or the health of a loved one fails. Jesus is there with us when we don't have the money we need or deserve. He never turns His back on us and we should never turn our backs on a Savior that is always there with us through thick and thin!